Friday, January 9, 2009

Basics forgotten or ignored ???

Planning Organizing Directing Controlling are the basic four functions of management.
When the management talks about all these basics then how come the so called management cannot keep the business running smoothly. Are all these management concepts only in books ??? Or have they forgotten to follow the basics or ignored ?

Management highly talk about Vision.Is this also just another fancy statement ??? If all work towards Vision then how come organizations facing problems ??
Is it a problem with the Vision or the people who create the Vision. Then have to ask a simple question. Who create ?? which level of the organizational structure ? So from where all these problems arise ??? Who create all these problems ???

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Recession is a good excuse for employers to get rid of expensive workforce

Recession is a good excuse for employers to get rid of expensive workforce ?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Is it a Joke or another HR strategy to protect the image ??

With the economy meltdown we can see many organizations collapsing & already some are badly fighting for their survival. people have lost their jobs, lost homes , lost everything what they have been saving even some are giving away their pets cos of high costs etc ... everything is in a mess ...

But with the current situation if we analyze the corporates already about to close and going for layoffs (oops "Right Sizing") keep on publishing vacancies ..

of course ther's a drastic drop in job vacancies...but keep on posting, is it for real ?? do they really need more fresh talent ??? Why cant they protect the existing work strength ??? or is it a strategy to make the ship lighter so can stay afloat ...

All these Hipo terms like talent hunt, performance base culture etc are they just terms or practically taking place... Do these companies really know the meaning of these terms .. or just to safe guard them selves from the public & have a reason to kick people out ???? talk about ethics, social responsibility but where all these when a crisis like this... how they think of their employees who have been with them all this time who worked day n night to achieve corporate goals and make profit ??? wheres the compensation for employees who been asked to leave ???

Is this also some sort of HR strategy to protect the image of the company ??? corporate image or people matters most ??? gambling with people lives ???

Whatever it is, with the current economy crisis we all know most of the businesses are in pretty bad shape and they have to think of alternatives to keep the business running .... but keep on publishing vacancies is it a real ethical strategy ???

What Money can do ?

What Money can do ?

In today's context of economy we can clearly see how money can be disruptive.

Some think money can do everything & they forget the beauty of living. To name in few, families, friends, values etc
They value everything with money. It's all about money, nothing else. Some use money for the benefit of the people but some use it for disruption. When people get rich some tries to treat others in an inhuman way. They forget the past & try harder to get more money while letting others down. This makes them to forget to see the true meaning of living. Do not have time, even to breathe, because only worry they have in mind is, how to earn more. This run will leads them no where. Finally they can achieve only money while loosing everything behind.

If you analyze the past few months we can see how money ruined the people lives. The greediness leads them take everything they had. And what they earn for years lost in few seconds. The wealth, society status, friends etc washed so easily.

Money can make Billionaires to Beggars (B2B) .

So in this coming challenging year, think wisely act smartly. Lot of changes will take place. But do not be afraid & loose your true values like some greedy people. Have faith in God and trust your skills. True we need money for our living but don't run behind money and forget the beauty of living & don't loose your values because of something (-money) you can loose within few seconds. Make better friends. Money can fly away but a true friend will never walk away.

Bible says :
1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

James 5:3 - Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire.