Saturday, January 3, 2009

Is it a Joke or another HR strategy to protect the image ??

With the economy meltdown we can see many organizations collapsing & already some are badly fighting for their survival. people have lost their jobs, lost homes , lost everything what they have been saving even some are giving away their pets cos of high costs etc ... everything is in a mess ...

But with the current situation if we analyze the corporates already about to close and going for layoffs (oops "Right Sizing") keep on publishing vacancies ..

of course ther's a drastic drop in job vacancies...but keep on posting, is it for real ?? do they really need more fresh talent ??? Why cant they protect the existing work strength ??? or is it a strategy to make the ship lighter so can stay afloat ...

All these Hipo terms like talent hunt, performance base culture etc are they just terms or practically taking place... Do these companies really know the meaning of these terms .. or just to safe guard them selves from the public & have a reason to kick people out ???? talk about ethics, social responsibility but where all these when a crisis like this... how they think of their employees who have been with them all this time who worked day n night to achieve corporate goals and make profit ??? wheres the compensation for employees who been asked to leave ???

Is this also some sort of HR strategy to protect the image of the company ??? corporate image or people matters most ??? gambling with people lives ???

Whatever it is, with the current economy crisis we all know most of the businesses are in pretty bad shape and they have to think of alternatives to keep the business running .... but keep on publishing vacancies is it a real ethical strategy ???


Unknown said...

That is certainly something to ponder on. Do you think the posts they are declaring vacant are ones they asked employees to leave so they could hire new labour at lesser salaries?

Shav said...

that is questionable ... might & might not ... but in todays context of business we talk high about al these values and ethics etc.. not all but most of the businesses when they gain profit they talk less about it and nt value their workforce but when it comes to loss and a crisis then do all sort of actions to cover it ... theory is different from practical in this money oriented world ...

chamila said...

Will emplyess forget how they were treated ?
In hard ecomonic times, the organization may feel like it is ok to ignore employee engagement, thinking the employees should be thankful they still have a job at all. But like most everything else, the current economic crisis will pass, and employees will not forget how they were treated and viewed when times were tough.

Anonymous said...

well this whole economic meltdown thing didn't suddenly drop down from the sky,it was there from the beginning but it happen to explode only might settle down,but it would come back.the main problem lies in the system that we are in,so we should work to build an economical system where human values are given the priority.yes the people would not forget how they are treated now and they should not....

Anonymous said...

Well..this can have more than one side to think about. some companies have vowed that they NEVER lay off people. But rather they'd go for ways of cost cutting.
Not only that..they can MAKE people leave rather than asking them to leave. They can imply hard rules and regulations on the employees to make their life a living hell at work. This way, the employees are bound to look for other alternatives, and ultimately as the employees leave, the cost cutting targets are achieved.
This, in return have impact to the other employees as the company might not be getting new employees and the existing ones have to burden the work of the withdrawn ones.

Anonymous said...

Hey..better not Talk about Ethics.. in this money oriented world.. 2 times corporate SL.[ you know the company i m pointing at ]..just kicked a company out of the group.. when they want to.. never ever thought of the employees..this was even before this so cold crisis's just good for learning man..but not to practice in the real world..becasue it's not that easy to follow..all these ethical scenes.. but happy to be in SL.. becasue we are not affected as others have affected.. and even we are affected.. the government policies are their to protect the employees in worst scenarios..